Let us consider what has been happening in this country over
the past two weeks: potential voters have been invited to register. In essence,
this is as simple as writing down your details such as name, age address and so
on, taking your voter’s card and getting on with the rest of your life. Could
anything be simpler? And yet when you open any newspaper, or especially when
you turn on your radio in any direction on the dial you would think that a registration
exercise is a cross between trench warfare and rocket science. It appears that
all over the country some invisible forces are operating undercover moving
people to places they have never been to register them for the December
According to these reports, the invisible forces are not only
distorting the internal arrangements ahead of the vote, but there are
allegations of whole truckloads of people crossing our borders under the
sponsorship of political parties or individuals to come and register illegally
so that they can vote for their sponsors in the coming elections. If what we
are hearing is true, it means that the December election is already flawed and
the people, whoever they are, that will be “elected” to rule over us will occupy
their positions by fraud. Think about it and think about it again. A nation
ruled by fraud is doomed. This is not a melodramatic statement. It is a
historical fact.
However, one has to believe that there is nowhere near as
much fraud as is being alleged. There are irregularities, and we will come to
that presently, but not fraud on a massive scale. It is true that here and
there some minors have tried to register, and for the record we have had the
odd non-Ghanaian also making the attempt, and the fact that these have been
detected should be a plus for our system. However, as with most things in
Ghana, what should be a plus has turned negative, fuelling wild allegations of
fraud and badness of all sorts. So, what is really happening?
What is happening is the mood of near despair in which mutual
distrust is the prevailing temper of public discourse and communications. In
the era of the NDC and NPP it appears that nothing is as it seems to the rest
of us. An innocent cock-up by the electoral commission or even a minor mishap
by a minor official is immediately turned into a case for national upheaval
because every politician is looking for a sign, not of a good turn, but of evil
intentions on the part of the opponent. This is the way in which politics is
being conducted in Ghana today – demonise the opponent in order to look good in
the eyes of the voter.
It is a bad strategy because it is creating a mood of
pessimism in the country, and this is bad for morale and business. Worse, it is
creating an impression of suspicion not only of our politicians but of the
political process itself. This is the source and result of the familiar resorts
to abuse and insults that have become part of the political process; the
process is no longer respected. If a proper poll of attitudes is conducted I am
sure that politics and politicians – and journalists – would rate rather low in
public esteem. Another spillover from the political mood is that mistrust is becoming
the accepted way of interacting among citizens who are becoming suspicious of
one another, usually not for any good reason.
It is into our fragile political atmosphere that cock-ups by
the Electoral Commission and its filed staff come like petrol onto fire. It is
understandable that a new system such as this biometric registration, being
tried for the first time, would have some technical and operational problems.
Normally, we should accept that as a natural part of the experiment, and in a
more tolerant mood, Ghanaians are not too demanding. But politics is different,
it appears. Politicians have whipped their followers into a zero tolerance for
mistakes and every blunder, however minute, is magnified a thousand times in
content and presumed effect. Radio 24/7 means that each technical or
operational gaffe is immediately transmitted to an audience already primed for cynicism
and trouble.
At the beginning of the registration exercise, there were
reports from Bolgatanga of some serious trouble which, depending on the radio
station, was either being resolved or worsened by different players in the
political drama. On one radio station
there were frantic calls for the police to intervene as the numbers of people
waiting swelled at some registration centres and people became frustrated. This
led to intricate conspiracy theories being spun like spider webs. When I spoke
on the phone with a friend who was in thick of matters he explained that he
thought the EC had not tested the machines in the Bolgatanga heat, which on
that day was touching 45 degrees Celsius in the shade. In those harsh
conditions most computer hardware, not to speak of the human brain, would need
patience. In our politics, patience is in very short supply.
This kind of frantic fear of being cheated, which is the
result of our dishonesty, cannot be good for us. Consider this: all
parliamentary candidates, including most MPs, District Chief Executives and
perhaps most ministers, have gone to their constituencies to police
the registration. This means that a fair chunk of government business, and
business in general, has come to a halt or slow down merely because voters are
being registered. What will happen when the election itself is close?
The blame for the dark mood in the country must be placed at
the door of the kind of politics we have chosen to play. At a recent public
event, Alhaji Ahmed Ramadan, Chairman of the People’s National Convention, put
his finger on the issue when he observed that the first past the post or winner
takes all politics is the source of acrimony and tension in our politics. He is
right. We need to have a serious rethink as a nation about how we select those
who look after our affairs. The winner takes all may work for some people, it
is not working for us. There are alternatives to consider and we must not lock
ourselves into only one option because it is the one “we have always used”.
In the meantime, we must not fall for the politicians’ Ananse
trick of exaggerating every mishap into a crisis; it is in their interest to
create a picture of direness from which only they can rescue us. Probably, I
am wrong and things are as bad as they say. But I hope not. Let us be wary of
the stories the politicians and their media allies, some call them the “rented
press” on both sides, are telling us. That way, we can make some sense of the
reality around us.
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